Scarlet Writes
Scarlet Tells
Her Voice Defies Easy Categorization

Her Voice Defies Easy Categorization

About Scarlet Yearnings: Stories of Love and Desire

The author, Scarlet Ibis James, a Trinidadian author inspired by her island's rich storytelling tradition.

Genre: Short Story Collection, Romance, Contemporary Fiction, Women's Fiction

Target Audience: Readers interested in diverse voices in romance, particularly stories about Black women and multi-ethnic characters navigating love and longing.


  • Love in its Many Forms: The collection explores the "raw, unfiltered truths of love" (from the book's description), encompassing themes of romantic love, familial love, self-love, and the yearning for connection.

  • Diverse Voices: The stories center on Black women and multi-ethnic characters, offering a platform for underrepresented voices in literature.

  • Self-Discovery and Identity: Characters grapple with questions of identity, cultural heritage, and finding their place in the world while seeking love and belonging.

  • Longing and Connection: The universal search for connection and the bittersweet nature of longing are central to the collection.

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Scarlet Writes
Scarlet Tells
A place where the author brings the stories to you in her own words.